Blue Water Audubon Society
Membership Application
Address: ________________________________________________________
City: _________________________ State: _____________ Zip: ________
Type of Application: (check one) NEW ________ RENEWAL ________
Dues Schedule
Family: $20.00 Single: $15.00 Student: $5.00
Senior (age 65+): Single: $10.00 Couple: $10.00
In addition to my dues, I would like to make a donation of $______________
Total Enclosed: $__________________
Please make your check payable to BWAS and send to:
Bob Haas, Treasurer
7820 Graham Rd.
Jeddo, MI 48032
The Blue Water Audubon Society was founded
in 1955 as a non-profit organization for outdoor
experiences, promoting nature education and protection and conserving wildlife
and the environment.
Meetings with programs are held at the Blue
Water Free Methodist Church, 1963 Allen Rd.,
Kimball Twp. (the building was formerly the Sparlingville Elementary School),
at 6:45 PM on the first Monday of every month, October through May.
The Club also sponsors field trips,
including birdwatching,
wildflower walks and the Annual Christmas Bird Count.
The Club has an email group for sightings
and discussions as well as a website:
where you can find information about meetings, programs and field trips.